Vision Therapy

Functional Vision Therapy / Vision Stimulation Therapy / Vision Restoration Therapy

Vision therapy is a specialized, supervised, individualized treatment program performed by a qualified professional to correct visual-motor and perceptual-cognitive deficiencies.  It helps the child to develop normal coordination between the two eyes to get binocular vision.  It is a non-surgical customized program of visual activities designed to correct certain vision problems and improve visual skills.

Overall, the goal of vision therapy is to treat vision problems that cannot be treated successfully with medications, eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery alone. Vision therapy helps people to achieve clear, comfortable and binocular vision. It is safe, drug-free method which is effective for both children and adults.

Vision therapy can be classified as

  • Orthoptic / Optometric  vision therapy
  • Functional vision therapy /Perceptual vision therapy

Devices used in vision therapy

  • Occluders or patches
  •  Prisms
  •  Therapeutic glasses / lenses
  •  Filters
  •  Electronic targets with timing mechanisms
  •  Customized special tools designed for vision stimulation

Vision therapy helps specifically to have good eye movement control, Binocular coordination, saccades, pursuits, convergence, accommodation flexibility, visual memory, visual thinking, central visual acuity, peripheral vision, visual perception, depth perception, color perception, gross visual motor, Fine visual motor, visual integration, etc

A child with developmental disorder may have any of these three vision related learning disorders

  •  Refractive Disorders (Myopia, Hyperopia, astigmatism)
  •  Functional Vision Problems
  •  Visual Perception Problems

You should consult a vision therapist / pediatric optometrist and ask for vision therapy, when you observe

  • Problems with development of eye-hand coordination
  • Crossed eyes or eyes that don’t move in unison
  • Rubbing the eyes often and blinking excessively
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Eye strain with headaches
  • Shorter attention span or losing their place while reading texts
  • Holding books very close to the face while reading
  • Tilting of the head or closing one eye while attempting to read
  • Avoidance of close work and reading
  • Reading slowly while using a finger
  • Difficulties retaining things that they read

Depending on your child’s condition and needs, it may take anywhere from six to nine months to get optimal improvement, with a schedule of three 45-minute sessions per week during the whole tenure.

If you need technical support in the form of consultation, screening, assessment, evaluation or vision therapy, please contact us through

Voice Call: +91-11-41012124               Whatsapp: +91-7838809241

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