Pediatric ReHabilitation Therapy
When a child is diagnosed with developmental delay / disorder, the first thing recommended by a doctor to start either physiotherapy or occupational therapy. Mostly pediatrician or child specialist, who sees your child for common childhood illness or vaccination, will refer to a specialized centre or a trained professional for starting pediatric therapy. If you happen to see a neurologist, he/she will refer to an occupational therapist. If you visit an orthopedic surgeon, he/ she will refer to a physiotherapist. If you happen to see a developmental pediatrician he / she will refer to a developmental therapist or early intervention specialist. Please note, visiting an occupational therapist or physiotherapist is not enough as the child may require other services also. It is always better to consult an experienced developmental pediatrician or developmental specialist to have a holistic treatment plan including the need of assistive aids / technology.
Pediatric therapies or habilitation therapies are considered the backbone of all habilitation programs. All children with developmental disorders require habilitation therapies.
Pediatric therapy or habilitation therapy is a combination of services provided to pediatric populations where there is no dispensing of oral medicine, injection or a surgical procedure. These services are basically provided by the Allied Health Care Professionals or Rehabilitation Professionals and followed by grass root level caregivers, and family members. For a time targeted and result oriented program, the following services / therapies should be incorporated / combined as and when require. Please note, there is no minimum age limit to start pediatric therapies. Infant stimulation therapy starts as early as possible sometimes just after birth.
Infant stimulation Therapy
Early Intervention Services
Play Therapy
Developmental Therapy
Occupational therapy
Special Education
Speech therapy
Postural Aids
Orthotic Aids
Mobility Aids
Assistive/Adaptive Aids
Conseling and Psychological Support
We at “Institute for Child Development, New Delhi” provide all the above mentioned services at our tertiary care centre in Malviya Nagar, New Delhi.
If you want to know which therapy is more appropriate for your child and avail any of the above mentioned services / facilities, please contact us at
PediaMed Landline Number: +91-11-41012124
ICD Whatsap Number: +91-7838809241
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- Academy of Habilitation Science