Orthotic Aids / Orthoses / Splints / Braces

Orthoses are specially made splints which are being used to align abnormal joints or muscles. These are never bought from ready made shops. Each and every pediatric Orthoses should be made by qualified orthoticians. If possible most of the Orthoses should be made after taking a POP cast. In a developing child the Orthoses should be changed after every six-nine months and for older children, the splint should be changed after every 9-15 months. Most of the orthoses require modifications so consult your orthoticians after every three months or as recommended. Please note, a faulty orthoses always harm the child.

Who is benefited with orthoses?
Persons affected by neurological / orthopedic conditions. As for example

  • CTEV (Club Feet)
  • Cerebral palsy        
  • Spina bifida
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Post-polio paralysis
  • Meningomyelocele
  • Arthrogryposis
  • Congenital Hip dislocation
  • Genu recurvatum / Genu varum / Genu valgum
  • Flat feet / Hallux valgus / Flexed wrist / thumb in palm 
  • Others

What are the benefits of using Orthoses?
It helps:

  • To correct and/or prevent deformity
  • To provide a base of support
  • To facilitate training in skills
  • To improve the efficiency of gait
  • To improve function

What are the different types of Orthoses available?

  • Orthoses for Lower Limbs
  • Spinal Orthoses
  • Orthoses for Upper Limbs

Orthoses for Lower Limbs
A long list, few of these are:

  • Supra-malleolar Ankle Foot Orthosis (SMAFO) non-circumferential
  • Rigid Ankle Foot Orthosis (Rigid AFO) / Solid Ankle Foot Orthosis (SAFO)
  • Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis (DAFO)
  • Rigid Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO with molded leather strap)
  • Circumferential Ankle Foot Orthosis
  • Hybrid Plastic Ankle Foot Orthosis
  • Hinged Ankle Foot Orthosis
  • Hinged AFO with custom joints
  • Floor Reaction (Ground Reaction) Ankle Foot Orthosis
  • Hinged Floor Reaction (Ground Reaction) Ankle Foot Orthosis
  • Conventional Ankle Foot Orthosis (Conventional AFO)
  • Conventional Patellar Tendon Bearing Orthosis ( PTB Orthosis)
  • Conventional Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (Conventional KAFO)
  • Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO)
  • Hip Abduction Orthosis
  • Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (HKAFO)

  • Spinal Orthoses
    Spinal jacket
    Image result for Spinal jackets

    Orthoses for Upper Limbs

    • Cock up splint
    • Wrist hand orthoses
    • Mid arm supinator
    • Thumb abductor
    • Fingers extensor
    • Arm bands
    • CIT bands

    Image result for cock up splints
    Image result for Wrist hand orthoses


    Image result for mid arm supinator

    For queries / appointment / availing services, please contact us through

    Phones at : +91-11-41012124 / +91-7838809241 / +91-8588995954

    WhatsApp at : +91-9810154411

    Mail: helpicd@gmail.com, support@icddelhi.org

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