Learning Disability

(Slow Learner / Dyslexia)
Learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder and an umbrella term for a wide variety of learning problems. Persons with learning disabilities are physically looks normal but they see, hear, and understand things differently. They get problems with learning new information and skills, and using them properly. Many types of learning disabilities have been reported but the most common types of learning disabilities are problems with reading, writing, math, reasoning, listening, and speaking. The prevalence of Learning Disability (LD) reported as maximum as 11%-15% of the total population worldwide.

Signs and Symptoms of Learning Disability (LD)

Children with LD have numerous signs and symptoms such as

  • Gets trouble in learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week
  •  Slow to learn new skills
  •  Gets trouble learning basic math concepts
  •  Gets trouble with buttons, zippers, snaps, learning to tie shoes
  •  Gets trouble finding the right word
  •  Difficulty following directions or learning routines
  •  Gets trouble learning the connection between letters and sounds
  •  Confuses basic words when reading
  •  Consistently misspells words and makes frequent errors
  •  Difficulty telling time and remembering sequences
  •  Poor organizational skills (very messy and disorganized)
  •  Difficulty with reading comprehension or math skills
  •  Dislikes reading and writing; avoids reading aloud
  •  Poor handwriting

Causes of Learning Disability (LD)

No confirm cause has been established. It can be due to

  • Problems during pregnancy and birth
  •  Genetic influences
  •  Accidents after birth
  •  Environmental impacts

Types of Learning Disability (LD)

There are many types of LD have been observed. It includes

  •  Dyslexia
    A kind of LD which affects reading and related language-basedprocessing skills
  •  Dyscalculia
    A kind of LD which affects person’s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts
  •  Dysgraphia
    A kind of LD which affects a person’s handwriting ability and fine motor skills
  •  Language Processing Disorder
    A kind of LD which affects attaching meaning to sound groups that form words, sentences and stories.
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
    A kind of LD which adversely affects how sound that travels unimpeded through the ear is processed or interpreted by the brain
  •  Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities
    A kind of LD which usually characterized by a significant discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial and social skills
  •  Visual Perceptual or Visual Motor Deficit
    A kind of LD which affects the understanding of information that a person sees, or the ability to draw or copy

Associated Disorders with Learning Disability (LD)
A person with LD can have any of these associated / co-morbid factors

  • ADHD
  • Dyspraxia
  • Executive Functioning
  • Memory

Diagnosis Making of Learning Disability (LD)
LD is diagnosed through observations, screening and assessments techniques. No clinical test available which confirm LD directly. Trained Professionals like clinical Psychologists, psychiatrists, Neurologist, Special Educators, and other child developmental specialists diagnose and manage children with LD.

Management and Treatment of Learning Disability (LD)
No clinically approved medicine is available to treat LD but there are many ways to improve the condition. They can be helped in overcoming problems with reading, writing, and math skills. Both strengthening the skills and developing a learning strategy can help a child. Special education with a systematic approach can help a child with LD tremendously. Multimode teaching is often effective with LD.

Role of Habilitation therapies in the management of LD
Children might benefit from remedial education sessions like individual education program, school based program, and home based program, cognitive behavior therapy, psychotherapy, and occupational therapy.

Role of medical management in children with LD
Children with LD can have associated disorders, including depression, anxiety, aggression, or oppositional behavior, which can be managed by the child psychiatrist / neurologist with both medicinal therapy and psychotherapy. All children with LD should be checked by ENT surgeons and Eye Surgeon before starting the habilitation therapies.

Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicines in the management of LD
Homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicines have shown promising results in a few cases of LD under our CAM consultants. Acupuncture / Unani medicines / herbal medicines / Yoga have been explored by lot of parents with encouraging results.  

Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the management of LD
HBOT is helpful only with a limited number of children with learning disability. Children who are associated with Hypoxia have been benefited with HBOT. In a few cases HBOT has shown improvement in cognition enhancement and increasing attention span / concentration

Role of Stem Cell Therapy in the management of LD
The role of stem cell therapy in the management of LD has not been established yet.  

Prognosis and Employment opportunities for person with Learning Disability (LD)
People with learning disabilities can be successful in community, school and work as well as in their personal lives if they get good therapeutic management.

If you want to know which treatment or therapies is best suited for your child / ward, please contact us and get free technical support

Mail ID: helpicd@gmail.com, Whatsapp No: +91-7838809241, Voice Call No: +91-11-41012124 

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