Developmental Therapy

(Pediatric Developmental Therapy / Pediatric Therapy / Infant Therapy)
Developmental therapy is a combination therapy comprises of infant stimulation, early intervention, play therapy, pediatric physiotherapy and pediatric occupational therapy. Developmental therapy deals with wide variety of diagnoses or pediatric conditions since birth to 18 years of age. Developmental therapy is exclusive for developing child only; it is not for adult populations.  NDT, Vojta Technique, Conductive Education, are some of the prevalent developmental therapy approaches.

Developmental therapy is provided by developmental therapist. Professionals with physiotherapy, occupational therapy or medicine background can become developmental therapist after pursuing a post graduate course in developmental therapy.   

Children with all developmental disorders are the beneficiaries of developmental therapy. We at ICD, Delhi provide exclusive developmental therapy sessions to children with the following conditions

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Spina bifida,
  • Infantile spasm
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Seizure disorders
  • Erb’s Palsy
  • Club Feet
  • Down Syndrome
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Traumatic brain injury, etc

Benefits of Developmental Therapy

  • Developmental Therapy (DT) helps to develop milestones in all child developmental domains

Gross Motor Skills: Head control, sitting balance, crawling, kneeling, standing, walking, etc
Fine Motor Skills: Grasping objects, transferring objects from one hand to other, writing, etc
Cognitive Skills: Concept of colour, shape, size, numbers, etc
Communication Skills: Use of gesture, words, sentences, etc
Adaptive and Behavioural Skills: Socialization, Participation, etc

  • Developmental Therapy helps to improve range of motion, strength, posture, balance, endurance for independent function and mobility 
  • Developmental Therapy  helps to be able to participated in age-appropriate school activities with peers
  • Developmental Therapy improve a child's ability to independently negotiate his or her environment (home, school, job, community)
  • Developmental Therapy makes able to actively participate and contribute to the society in the long run.

When you are in ICD, Delhi, you get the combination of the following therapy techniques of developmental therapy according to the need of your child

  • Carrying and Transfer Technique
  • ID Point Stimulation
  • Tone Reducing Positioning ( TRP)
  • Neuro-Enhancing Positioning (NEP)
  • Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT)
  • Neuro-Dynamic Facilitation Technique (NDFT)
  • Sensory Integration Therapy
  • Conductive Education(CE)
  • Muscle Education and Braces
  • Progressive Pattern Movements
  • Synergistic Movement Patterns
  • Neuromotor Development
  • Vojta Technique
  • Goal Directed Functional Therapy
  • Assistive Technology, etc

 If a very young child with delayed milestones requires both physiotherapy and occupational therapy, it is always beneficial to have developmental therapy session.  It not only saves money and time but also provide you more improvement due to its combine effect.  Please note, if you are doing physiotherapy, you are doing only physiotherapy. If you are doing occupational therapy, you are doing occupational therapy only. When you do developmental therapy, you are doing both physiotherapy and occupational therapy and many more.  

If you want to know more about developmental therapy and want to avail developmental therapy or want training in developmental therapy, please contact us

Fixed Landline Number: +91-11-41012124
Whatsapp: +91-7838809241    

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