Hearing Disorders in Children with Developmental Disorders

  • 0.1 % to 1.7% children have hearing deficits or loss worldwide. In one survey, it is found that 15% children and teens have hearing loss in one ear. Severe hearing loss in both ears is very rare
  • Children with developmental disorders are prone to hearing impairments comparing normal populations. About 30% children with neurodevelopmental disorders have some or the other hearing deficits
  • Hearing problems can be identified very early. Look for hearing problems if the child

Does not startle at loud sounds

Does not respond to your smile or voice

Does not turn head towards the source of sounds

Does not respond to his / her name

Does not listen music, rhymes or natural sounds

Try to watch the speaker’s face very intently

  • Hearing problems can be congenital or acquired
  • Genetic factors cause more than 50% of total hearing loss. It can be autosomal recessive hearing loss, autosomal dominant hearing loss or due to genetic syndromes
  • Some children can have temporary hearing loss due to middle ear infection
  • All new born are screened for hearing before leaving the hospital. It is mandatory in all countries
  • Different hearing tests are available for different age children
  • Visual reinforcement audiometry, play audiometry, tympanometry, BERA, etc are the common tests
  • Hearing aids are a kind of assistive aids than can help children with hearing loss hear clearly
  • Basic to sophisticated hearing aids are available for different categories of hearing loss
  • Cochlear implant is a device that is surgically implanted and its directly stimulate the auditory nerve in the inner ear with electrical stimulation
  • Bone anchored hearing systems are very helpful to those who have severe outer or middle ear malformations such as microtia or one-sided deafness
  • All children with hearing loss get benefits with speech therapy. Some children may need training in sign language communication
  •  Hearing loss can affect a child’s ability to develop speech, language, and social skills. The earlier a child who has hearing deficits, starts getting services, the more likely the child’s speech, language, and social skills will reach their full potential.

If you want to know more about hearing loss or impairments, please contact us

Mail: helpicd@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +91-7838809241

Voice Call: +91-11-41012124

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